Monday 9 May 2016

A&D P.2 - Editing (1) Water drops

The original file used for this edit was the first recording of the pen. ( then I edited this recording to sound like a water drop using Cecilia5 and REAPER.

On Cecilia5 I used the modules and I chose waveshaper from dynamics. Then I put the sound on REAPER and took apart the tack and kept on breaking it down into small pieces to get to the sound I wanted and eventually when I found it I deleted the other parts and  duplicated it for it to sound repetitive then added reverb (ReaVerbate room size: 55) to give it an echo kind of effect.

This edit took me around 15 hours to prefect. (in 4 days)  I edited all my sounds in the studio almost everyday Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


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