Friday 9 October 2015

Library Week

I went to the library yesterday and got those books.
I am going to choose one of them to write about for my research and reflective practice class.

The first book (on the left) is called Legends of Punk, I chose that book because I personally really like Punk music and I wanted to know more about Punk legends and look at photographs of them on stage and with the band. I also choose this book because my initial idea for the project was to show how different music genres can make you feel different emotions and I felt that if I know more about the artist it would be easier for me to portray that emotion not only from the fans point of view but from the artist's point of view as well.

The second book (from the left) is called Music Technology and the Project Studio - Synthesis and Sampling, I chose this book because it has almost all the information you need to know about music technology before starting the course. It has different chapters about different softwares and a lot of definitions and examples.

The third book (from the left) is called Music Industry, I chose this book because I wanted to get to know more about the music industry in general and this book was recommended to me from one of the staff at the library. 

The fourth book (from the left) is called Managing your Band, I chose this one because I really like bands and I always thought managing an artist or a band is interesting yet challenging. So I wanted to know if there are any tips that I can learn from or learn in general.

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