Saturday 30 January 2016

Arts and Design Project 1 - First Recording

This photo was taken by a friend of ours (Rihab Nasser) while we were trying to record the first recording.

(First on the left: Carla Forte (songwriter) - Second from the left: Stalo Ioannou (Singer) - Third from the left: Joe Saddy (Guitarist) - Forth and last from the left: Yara Abdalgany (which is me!).

We all gathered around at the studio to try and record the song, we were just messing around with guitar chords at first just trying to find some good ones for the singer to have as a helping hand while singing the song.
We repeated the song so many times to try to get the sound the songwriter had in mind.
After 2 hours of trying we finally recorded something on my phone.

Here is the link to the first recording (without editing):

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