Wednesday 25 November 2015

Major Project - Final video

This is my final video for my major project!

Major project - Final edits

Due to some difficulties and my iMovie closing unexpectedly I had to use my friend's laptop to edit my video. 
After staying up all night trying to work on what I have already done but lost due to my iMovie closing unexpectedly I am finally done with my major project video.



Major Project - Trailer

Here is the trailer for my major project!
I had to re-upload it because wanted to edit something in the video.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Major Project - Trailer

I decided to make a trailer for my video, I am almost done with it.

I thought that putting a trailer where the project is supposed to be for now is better that just leaving it blank.
I added  a place for the trailer  to be in just above where the video is going to be in (see below).

Saturday 21 November 2015


...and my website is finally live! 

I am currently working on changing my domain name. It'll be done in the next couple of days :) 

Thursday 19 November 2015

Major Project - Editing

Im still editing the video for my major project. I'm done with the first two videos now. 
I am currently editing the third video I took, after I am done editing the third video I will be making one video that combines the three together. 

Monday 16 November 2015


I just set up my workspace at the studio!
I put pictures that I really like and that inspire me. 
I also put a box that I will fill with some of my projects and have some equipment in for me to use while I am working.

Website - Contact page

This is the last page that I have on my website. It is just a simple Contact me page where anyone can send me an email about my website or work.
I also linked different Social Media profiles to the top right corner of each page.
I believe that it is important to stay connected and for people to know who you are by the posts you have.
First I put a link to my blog. 
Then a link to my Soundcloud profile because it is important to have a link to my music edits and pieces because I will be studying Music Technology next year  and it is my progression route.
Then I put a link to my Pinterest because I have a lot of boards that have to do with music such as Recording studio board and Studio Guide board. 
Also I think it is important to have a form of communication with people and Twitter is a good example for that.
Last but not least I linked my Google+ account because I post some things that I post on my blog and sometimes I just link pictures or videos that have to do with my studies.

Website - Project page

This is the page that I will be using to upload my Major project video on next week.
I explained what my project is about and I added a place where I will be posting my video on. 
I will have to upload it on youtube then link it to this page.

Website - About page

This is the second page on the website which is the "About" page.
I wrote about myself and the work experience I have done in the past also what I want to do in the future and where I am studying now.

Website - Home page

After taking my time making it look like the way I wanted it to look like, I am finally done with my website.

Here is the Home page.
In this page I included my name because I find it important to show your name and who you are right when you open the website for people to know who you are.
I wrote 3 statements that I think represent me and that I like to live by.
Also some photos of me working.

Major Project - Final video

I filmed the final video for my major project and now all I have to do is edit all the videos together.


Sunday 15 November 2015

Major Project - Setting up (x2)

I was setting up the camera and projector to film the final video for my major project.

Here I have a camera and a projector facing the wall ready for filming :)


Saturday 14 November 2015

Major Project - Video Editing

I started editing the videos I took, so far I am almost done with the first video.
I added the music piece on to the video to make the sound more clear and loud.

Major Project - Final set up

Unfortunately after setting up in the first room there was an issue with the projector, so I had to move my friends along with the equipment to another classroom.
After setting up the equipment I plugged in my laptop to the projector and played the song.

Here it shows the final set up from Camera 1 and Camera 2's point of view.

Major Project - Setting Up

Here I was setting up the class room for it to be ready for me to film the first video for my major project. 
I wanted the tables to be in a U-shape with all the people sitting comfortably facing the projector.
The first camera was set in front of the tables and chairs for it to capture everyone's reactions.
The second camera was set from the same point of view as those photos, and it was at the back to show the visual effects that were going to be shown on the screen. 



Friday 13 November 2015

Major project - Equipment

I just went to AV Loans and borrowed the equipment I will be using to shoot the video for my major project.


2 Canon EOS 700D - photo cameras
2 tripods 

Thursday 12 November 2015

Major project - Visual effects final

I tried a lot of ways to get a good image from camera feedback but so far did not get a good result, so I decided to use iTunes visualiser to add something to my project.

Major Project - Final music piece

I had to edit all the music pieces together on iMovie because Pro tools stopped working on my laptop.

So far so good though, everything worked well and I have edited and save my final piece as an MP3 folder ready for tomorrow.

I also uploaded it on Soundcloud:

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Major Project - Visual effects

I was looking for ways I can use my visual effects from such as camera feedback. 
In this video it's showing what happens when you connect the camera straight to the TV screen and tilt the camera. 
The video is called Video Feedback loop - fractal video and it's found on YouTube.


Monday 9 November 2015

Poppy - Final edit

Here is the final edit of the picture. 
I like the idea because it shows poppies in many different places.

Poppy - Remembrance day

 I am using the original photo of the Poppy and adding many different photos that have to do with Remembrance day to the background.

Here the photos show the process of editing 

Sunday 8 November 2015

Major Project - Songs

I have just downloaded the songs that I will be using for my major project.
Now I am choosing which parts from each song I will be including in the video.

Friday 6 November 2015

Almost done with the website!

I am almost done with editing my website. 
Only some more editing and it will be ready for me to publish it.

On this page I will be posting my Major Project.
 I added my idea of the project and then I will be replacing this video with my video.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Working on my major project

I'm searching for songs using different keywords to get the melodies that I have in mind, so far I searched around 15 keywords and got some really good melodies that I would like to use.

Monday 2 November 2015


I was trying out iMovie and trying to see if it would be easy for me to edit and finish my project on there. I used to edit all my videos on Movie-maker so iMovie is a bit more broad and a bit more challenging to work with.
Hopefully I get the hang of it as soon as I can.